Ghidul tau in finantari
si decizii de management financiar

Intermediere capital si servicii part-time de management financiar

Intermediere Capital

  • Credite Bancare si Leasing
  • Fonduri de Investitii Private

Colaborăm cu toate instituțiile financiare locale: bănci, companii de leasing și fonduri de investitii private. Reprezentam compania dvs. direct în discuții și negocieri cu experții din industria financiara.

Consultanta financiara

  • Director Financiar (CFO) part-time
  • Consultanta pentru management

Planificare strategica si analiza financiara pentru cresterea business-ului si asigurarea stabilitatii lui. Director Financiar part-time pe baza de abonament lunar si consultanta pentru top management.

Experienta in solutii financiare personalizate
in functie de nevoile companiei.

Capital Decisions – un proiect fondat de

Florin Pop, CFA

Bancher dedicat excelenței financiare

Expert financiar cu înțelegere profundă a industriei financiare si peste 20 ani de practica. Specializarile mele acopera analiza financiara si comerciala, aprobare credite, planificare bugetara, raportare catre management, gestionarea relatiilor cu board-ul director si investitorii.

Cu experiență vastă în piețele de capital, sprijin companiile în analiza oportunităților de investiții, fuziuni si achizitii, analiza macroeconomică sau de sector precum si evaluarea instrumentelor financiare detinute (acțiuni, obligațiuni etc.)

In practica mea imbin tehnologia cu resursele potrivite astfel incat companiile sa isi indeplineasca obiectivele stabilite, tinand in atentie mereu impactul asupra profitului.

Working with Florin was a true pleasure. I was consistently impressed by his ability to remain calm and composed under pressure. Florin's strong problem-solving skills and ability to think strategically helped navigate challenging situations effectively.
Razvan Albu, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Principal banker
I had the pleasure of working close with Florin for over 7 years. What really stood out for me are :his ability to view even the most complex situations in a very simple and easy to understand manner, his positive attitude and his drive and determination. He is that kind of person that you can reach out to in the most difficult moments and get reliable and balanced advice.
Dragos Ciobanu, Citi, SVP, EMEA Software business lead
I met Florin at Banca Transilvania while he was servicing large corporate clients. I was impressed by his professionalism and since then we constantly keep close with engaging conversations on many economic and sustainability topics. He has an open mind, quickly grasps new concepts and is able to shift the conversation from macro to micro perspectives. I highly recommend Florin as a top professional and I would love to have the chance to work with him again.
Petronela Despoiu, Banca Transilvania, Sustainable Finance Coordinator
Besides his extensive experience and knowledge in lending to comercial companies, I appreciate his interest in continous learning. On top, any conversation with Florin it’s a real pleasure; he’s elegant sense of humor and high emotional inteligence would turn even difficult discussions into productive debates.
Alina Golat, Citibank, SVP, Risk head
Florin is a fascinating person and work partner. Working alongside him, I can attest to his prowess in connecting people and fostering collaborative environments. I deeply appreciate his unwavering commitment to excellence, which inspires those around him to strive for their best.
Gheorghe Cojocaru, CFA – Citibank, Investment banking
Florin is both detail-oriented and creative, He is an exceptional communicator able to bring people together and build strong relationships. I had the pleasure of working with Florin at ING Bank in Bucharest, for four years. He always produced high-quality work inspiring me and the team and making a lasting impression on our clients.
Andreea Grama, BCR Erste bank, Product Owner / Digital Corporate Lending
What came across every time when working with Florin, was his strong work ethic and reliability. One other quality that I particularly liked are his exceptional teamwork skills. He was always willing to collaborate and support other team members, who benefited a lot from working with him. During his time with ING Bank, Florin consistently showed strong mentoring skills. He provided guidance and support, promoting a culture of learning and growth
Brindusa Dumbravieanu, ING Bank, Bucharest Area Manager
I highly recommend Florin for any role requiring a blend of soft skills, credit knowledge, and sales acumen. With exceptional speaking and presentation abilities, Florin effectively communicates complex concepts to diverse audiences and he is truly able to lead various complex projects.
Adrian Berbinschi, Citibank, SVP, Commercial Lending Management Head

Intermediere Capital

Navigarea domeniul financiar uneori poate fi o provocare.
Noi simplificam acest proces.

Sprijinim companiile să obțină claritate, opțiuni mai bune și reducere de costuri în finanțarea operațiunilor zilnice, a investițiilor sau când planifica atragerea de capital privat.

  • Conditii mai bune pentru credite (noi, existente sau refinantari)
  • Sprijin in negociere pret, garantii, conditii financiare sau proces restructurare
  • Gestionare completa a relatiei de credit (prelungiri anuale, evitare penalitati)
  • Negociere cursuri schimb valutar, comisioane operatiuni curente.
  • Structurare instrumente de comert: Scrisori de garantie, Acreditive.
  • Management deschidere conturi curente, carduri, training online banking

Consultanta management

Nu angajati un Director Financiar.
Abonati-va la 20+ ani de expertiza.

Accesati part-time sau pe baza de proiect serviciile unui Director Financiar dedicat gestiunii financiare a companiei asa incat dumneavoastra sa va dedicati intreaga atentie cresterii business-ului.